

Frontstreet is not new to the game, in fact if you've never heard of him or his music, you need to do a quick recap of D4L and Atlanta hip-hop because his name is a synonym of both. He's more familiar for his in your face lyrics and make you dance tracks, but today we debut a sentimental video titled "Goodbye" in which he opens his heart and makes us feel his pain. To many, rapper Shawty Lo was a celebrity, someone they hopped to one day see perform.... but to Frontstreet, he was a friend and mentor, whom he looked forward to the sit-down dinners, phone conversations, and almost daily laughs. When you lose someone, it's always hard and when you press play, see the visual, and feel the lyrics; you can see just how hard it is to expose your closure in telling your friend a final "Goodbye". Salute Frontstreet for this one, we know it was not easy and hold your head.

Connect w/ Frontstreet:

Twitter: @frontstree

Instagram: frontstree

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