
[Video] Chris Taylor (@christaylorrnb) - Seasons

Chris Taylor (@christaylorrnb) releases his Fatty Soprano directed video "Seasons". This video talks about some of the internal struggle one faces when their beliefs are somehow changed. The "Seasons" we face in life and how we go through the movements and as our “Seasons” change we are awakened or enlightened by what is real. Once we see things for what they really are, we are forced to accommodate to our new season and take with us what we learned from the last one. There are "Seasons" to live and die, laugh and cry, love and unlove. Support this video by pressing play, watching, sharing, and providing us with comments.
Connect w/ Chris Taylor
@christaylorrnb on twitter
@chrisstaylorr on IG

MGMT/Booking Info:
Linkcon Prezzy Demetrius
@linkprezzy on twitter
@linkprezzy on IG

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