Man I tell you, sometimes it seems like the whole world is collapsing on top of our heads. I feel like these last couple of days this is what has been happening. Things that I held on to at one point where finally exposed to me as nonsense. It is not even a relationship thing, but more of a career and/or life I was looking forward to starting. Basically the goals I had are either going to never happen or are going to be pushed back by an amount of time that I do not want to deal with. I sort of shut down when I got the final news yesterday and did not feel like being bothered with anything. Then I thought about it do we really grow through what we go through? I sure as hell hope so! I am holding on to that promise and reminding myself that I do not believe in things happening just because. I think everything happens for a reason and for that I will keep going on with my plans.
I feel like if I shut down, I will never reach my final destination. It is better to be late instead of never arriving. I guess I shared all this extra personal stuff with you all because people need to see, I am not living a simple and care free life. I have problems and issues just like everyone else, but what do I do....I am forever the optimist. There is always a rainbow after the storm, but we have to make it until the storm ends. Hold onto whatever positive thought you have and make that out weigh all the bad around you. There will always be problems, we will all feel pain, but you will get passed it if you just wait long enough. Hope this moment of vulnerability helps you will see that being positive and motivated does not mean life will be perfect, but it means we will look past the imperfections and try to continue making it the best.
So What!
I am feeling so refreshed today, why you ask. Well I have a friend that I always have heart-to-hearts with. She does not judge me, but she also does not sugarcoat anything. I love talking to her because she has a great understanding of people and through the years of knowing me, she developed a great understanding of me. Well I was talking to her about one of my exes and the issue I was having with him. She explained that I have the issues because of things and actions I let this person get away with in the past. She reminded me of my progress mentally and that is when I realized...I am not the person I used to be, but he still is. I cannot be mad because he did not evolve, he may be the person he will always be and that is not a problem. See sometimes we think that because the years go by and we think that changes need to happen it does not always occur.
I see that some people are always the same and why should I think they are wrong. What it really is, is that the person is content and some even happy with where they are in life and who they are. I cannot fault anyone for not being the person I want him or her to be, because more than likely the person I became is not who they expected. We as individuals need to understand ourselves and why we act a certain way, because it saves us from bullshit situations. The main thing we need to know about other people is that they are also free to become or remain who they are. I actually at first blocked this individual from contacting me, but I made the decision that I need to be the one that knows how to handle the unwanted contact. I am friends with many of my exes and maybe some day this person and I can look past the drama that was our relationship and be on speaking terms, but at this point in my life, I am cutting everything that has a spoiled root and this relationship definitely did.
I hope you understand what it means to have a spoiled root, but just to be on the safe side I will explain. If you have a relationship (and what I mean is friendship wise or romantic, even business) and it is spoiled at its root you will produce bad fruit. If it starts out in a negative and/or bad manner, you should expect the duration and end result to be negative. We should be more proactive in choosing the people we allow in our lives. Not everybody is bad, but they may not be good for you. The day we start to understand this concept and apply this into our day-to-day dealings with people, I believe it should minimize many small issues that have potential to be bombs in our lives. Nobody should walk around with a ticking time bomb, because eventually it will blow up. Be meticulous and choose wisely because your well-being depends on it.
To-dont list
So yesterday as I was talking to my friend I realized something else about my habits I need to work on changing. I have the habit of dating guys who are emotionally, mentally, or otherwise unavailable. I also date men who are completely opposite from me thinking "well they say opposites attract!" I came up with all these things to-do to better myself and it occures to me that I also need to follow the goals coach advice and create a to-dont list. Funny huh?
Even though most of us do not think of this list it is much needed. What should we grind in our minds to keep away from? For some people it may be a nasty habit like smoking, cursing, lying....etc. We may even havr more than one and as I think about it I have a lot more than one. See the thing about habits is that we do them without even paying it any attention, its with us just as everything else is. It takes a lot of effort to be a better version of ourselves and that is one of the reason why we should not even have time to focus on what is wrong with anyone else.
I know for a longtime I dated (and I say date because I will put forth a.great effort not to set myself up for failure again) these types of guys as a protection mechanism. I would tell myself they are so wrong for me that I will not come to care for them and be ok. Well I am a very caring person and I always want the people around me to do good and succeed. I would find myself trying any and everything to make these relationships that were predestined to fail work...major waste of time. I will create my to-dont list today and work on it through the weekend. I will as of next week be working on completing two list, a to-do and a to-dont. You should join me on this journey to discovery and upgrading ourself.
Even though most of us do not think of this list it is much needed. What should we grind in our minds to keep away from? For some people it may be a nasty habit like smoking, cursing, lying....etc. We may even havr more than one and as I think about it I have a lot more than one. See the thing about habits is that we do them without even paying it any attention, its with us just as everything else is. It takes a lot of effort to be a better version of ourselves and that is one of the reason why we should not even have time to focus on what is wrong with anyone else.
I know for a longtime I dated (and I say date because I will put forth a.great effort not to set myself up for failure again) these types of guys as a protection mechanism. I would tell myself they are so wrong for me that I will not come to care for them and be ok. Well I am a very caring person and I always want the people around me to do good and succeed. I would find myself trying any and everything to make these relationships that were predestined to fail work...major waste of time. I will create my to-dont list today and work on it through the weekend. I will as of next week be working on completing two list, a to-do and a to-dont. You should join me on this journey to discovery and upgrading ourself.
No more IDK!!!!
Why do people like to fake it until they make it? I would much rather admit that I am ignorant about something and then give myself the time to research and become knowledgeable in that area. I highly doubt that people know about any and everything at all times. I have met some very smart people, but I can say without a doubt that they do not know any and everything this world has to offer. What most "smart" people do know is that if you have a hunger to learn and are not lazy in putting forth the effort it takes to do it, you can. I am one of those people that have a lot of extra information stored in my mind, do not get my wrong I am far from a genius, but have no issue in letting someone know that I do not know.
The idea of faking it until I make it never made sense to me, because it frustrates me to pretend. I guess some people see no problem in putting up a facade to hide their shortcomings...why? In my personal opinion it is due to the fact that they have been able to coast through life. It is just sad to me that society sees this as an acceptable alternative. I am not oblivous to the fact that some people become do well and I am fine with that, I would just rather promote seeking knowledge and information instead of faking our way through life. Knowledge is one thing we can take wherever we go and nobody can take it away from you.
The idea of faking it until I make it never made sense to me, because it frustrates me to pretend. I guess some people see no problem in putting up a facade to hide their shortcomings...why? In my personal opinion it is due to the fact that they have been able to coast through life. It is just sad to me that society sees this as an acceptable alternative. I am not oblivous to the fact that some people become do well and I am fine with that, I would just rather promote seeking knowledge and information instead of faking our way through life. Knowledge is one thing we can take wherever we go and nobody can take it away from you.
Conversations with a few of my friends and listeners of the BreezySays radio show leads me to believe that in today's society people are afraid to be themselves. It seems that many would rather go with the masses instead of standing out. How lame will the world be if everyone imitates specific people? Do not get me wrong, I know there have always been imitators and some claim that imtation is the first form of flattery, but I do not like this trend. I do dress in what I consider to be in style and what not, but what I mean is when people mold their whole being after someone else. Are we becoming scared of the unknown or of being considered weird so much that we push aside our differences and conform?
I say I will continue to be me. I will continue to stay true to my heart and do what makes me happy. It took so many years for me to be comfortable in my own skin, that I cannot even fathom taking over the skin of someone else. I refuse to sound or look like that "hot chicks" in entertainment. Yes, I know I am not at that level of world reknowed acknowledgement yet....but when I get there they will know that is Ms.Breezy's style. I feel that I have to accept me for who I am (a little nerdy, a little hood, a little anal, definitely not politically correct...etc), but all that makes me unique and I love it. Of course I make changes here and there, but they are not changes that cause me to be a new person, but an improved version of me. So, I guess I am imitating someone, I am imitating the future Breezy and that is the best Breezy I can be!
I say I will continue to be me. I will continue to stay true to my heart and do what makes me happy. It took so many years for me to be comfortable in my own skin, that I cannot even fathom taking over the skin of someone else. I refuse to sound or look like that "hot chicks" in entertainment. Yes, I know I am not at that level of world reknowed acknowledgement yet....but when I get there they will know that is Ms.Breezy's style. I feel that I have to accept me for who I am (a little nerdy, a little hood, a little anal, definitely not politically correct...etc), but all that makes me unique and I love it. Of course I make changes here and there, but they are not changes that cause me to be a new person, but an improved version of me. So, I guess I am imitating someone, I am imitating the future Breezy and that is the best Breezy I can be!
The keyword for the reminder of my life is patience. I have become very good and not worrying about the things I cannot control and working hard at the ones I can. Life does not always (well more than less) occur on our time frame. We definitely should create a timeline and time managed goals, but along the way things can and often do come up. The thing we should know is that if we are passionate about a specific goal, regardless if it is to have a family, get a degree, new career, or whatever we can achieve it. Understanding that sometimes things are not in our hands will make the ride smoother. One thing that always throws me off my game is frustration. When I am frustrated I sleep bad, I forget to eat, my mind is always going one million mile per hour and these all equal a recipe for failure.
I do not know if it is due to the fact that I have stumbled a lot, but I have built a resisitence. I have started to take the good with the bad and just rearrange certain goals. I still have the same goals as I did since the start of time, but I am taking advantage of where life has broght me. When I left the United States I thought great now I am taking steps back...wonderful, but that was the extent of my complaint. Fast forward to one-year later and I see that I was able to accomplish many things...1) I was able to finish my degree (I would have anyways, but it is on that list) 2) I have been able to play soccer mom (work, school, and other stuff would have made it hard to always be there) 3) I started this blog and the radio show (this is something I can almost guarantee I would not have done). Now I am starting to see that even though my life took a little change in the path, I am still on the road to my destination.
Patience is the great thing that has helped me get through. Learning to not worry and concentrating on the things that are beyond my control. Life is hard enough for us to keep up the crap and we need to try to minimize that as much as we can. Try and make this a way of life for you and you will see what a difference it makes. Be blessed and handle it to the best of your ability, love you all.
I do not know if it is due to the fact that I have stumbled a lot, but I have built a resisitence. I have started to take the good with the bad and just rearrange certain goals. I still have the same goals as I did since the start of time, but I am taking advantage of where life has broght me. When I left the United States I thought great now I am taking steps back...wonderful, but that was the extent of my complaint. Fast forward to one-year later and I see that I was able to accomplish many things...1) I was able to finish my degree (I would have anyways, but it is on that list) 2) I have been able to play soccer mom (work, school, and other stuff would have made it hard to always be there) 3) I started this blog and the radio show (this is something I can almost guarantee I would not have done). Now I am starting to see that even though my life took a little change in the path, I am still on the road to my destination.
Patience is the great thing that has helped me get through. Learning to not worry and concentrating on the things that are beyond my control. Life is hard enough for us to keep up the crap and we need to try to minimize that as much as we can. Try and make this a way of life for you and you will see what a difference it makes. Be blessed and handle it to the best of your ability, love you all.
Breathe Again
Well this last week for me was a breathe of fresh air. I am proud to say that I completed my first week of the P90x program. I highly recommend the program and do not let people tell you that you have to already be fit to do it. That is a major lie, what you do have to be is ready to change. No I do not mean everything, but you have to change that I cannot attitude that some of us get so familiar with. It was not a pretty weak, it was not an easy week, but at the end of the week the feeling that came over me made it truly worth it. To be honest with you all even my brain was feeling the burn yesterday, but once again I stuck with it. I will not say 100% without a doubt that I will complete it, but I will say that is my absolute goal and I am trying my hardest and best to get through with it.
Another thing I did this past week and you can see from the review I posted was read another book. I will say that I have purchased a few celebrities books and was not able to get through them, why? I am not saying they were bad, but in my opinion they move slow and did not do a good job of captivating me. I love a book that I can read and play a picture in my mind. It took me 1 day to get through this book, because I could not put it down. I learned things about myself, others, and life in general (as you can see from my review I highly recommend the book)...It was great to do something to feed my mind.
Do you all see a small shift in my focus? Well if not let me point it out, I am doing what is good for me. I am focusing on myself. What do I need to do to be the best me, in general that I can be. Well I first started by eliminating a lot of extra out of my life. By that I mean people, things, some actions, and habits. Once I completed that I had a little void and before that could be filled back up with nonsense I started adding good in it place. I am creating a new sense of what it is to live my life. I am not saying that I know all the answers and will never make a mistake again, what I am saying is that I am working on making the positive changes I need in order to grow as a person. I want to, I have to, and there for I will. You can to, first thing you have to do is make yourself uncomfortable. Stop thinking the little bit that you get is all you deserve. Start being ok with being by yourself, realize that if the family and friends that surround you do not build you up, they are bringing you down <----- this may be the hardest step of all, due to our emotions and what we do not want to address. Then start creating a "better me" to do list. Once that is complete, start at number 1 and cross those numbers off. This is what I did and I know if my stubborn behind can do it, anyone can.
Love you all
Ms. Breezy
Another thing I did this past week and you can see from the review I posted was read another book. I will say that I have purchased a few celebrities books and was not able to get through them, why? I am not saying they were bad, but in my opinion they move slow and did not do a good job of captivating me. I love a book that I can read and play a picture in my mind. It took me 1 day to get through this book, because I could not put it down. I learned things about myself, others, and life in general (as you can see from my review I highly recommend the book)...It was great to do something to feed my mind.
Do you all see a small shift in my focus? Well if not let me point it out, I am doing what is good for me. I am focusing on myself. What do I need to do to be the best me, in general that I can be. Well I first started by eliminating a lot of extra out of my life. By that I mean people, things, some actions, and habits. Once I completed that I had a little void and before that could be filled back up with nonsense I started adding good in it place. I am creating a new sense of what it is to live my life. I am not saying that I know all the answers and will never make a mistake again, what I am saying is that I am working on making the positive changes I need in order to grow as a person. I want to, I have to, and there for I will. You can to, first thing you have to do is make yourself uncomfortable. Stop thinking the little bit that you get is all you deserve. Start being ok with being by yourself, realize that if the family and friends that surround you do not build you up, they are bringing you down <----- this may be the hardest step of all, due to our emotions and what we do not want to address. Then start creating a "better me" to do list. Once that is complete, start at number 1 and cross those numbers off. This is what I did and I know if my stubborn behind can do it, anyone can.
Love you all
Ms. Breezy
I got the Power
Today's magic word is POWER...simple right? I am sure everyone that reads this word knows its meaning, but do we act accordingly? As a child, we do not yet possess the power of ourselves, but as we are molded and grow into adults a shift in the control is supposed to happen. Do not get me wrong of course, there are situations and circumstances that may strip us of our power, but in a way, we are still very much in control. Now let us say you commit a crime and go to jail (some will render you powerless)...I beg to differ. Why? Well you had to commit a crime (during which you took your life and others into your hands and was very powerful at that moment) now you need to understand that your actions have gotten you into this problem. I have been to jail and at times, we do feel very powerless, but even in jail there are things we can control. See no one person can take your power (of yourself) away completely. I am here to tell you this and motivate you to understand, acknowledge, and use this for a good.
I always speak from experience and this post is no different. I have been in a position that I gave up my power and control. I understand that I GAVE it up now, but at the time, I felt as though it was taken away from me. We sometimes love people so much that we allow them to dictate our every move under the facade that it is love and we are IN love; therefore, this must be one the love commotion list. WRONG! Let me say this real quick before I happens to men and women<------contrary to popular belief. See if a person has to manipulate you and train you into being a perfect mate then my question is what did they fall in love with in the first place? YES, I understand that while we are in a relationship and want to be with that person until “death do us part” we have to make certain changes from living the single life to now being one with someone else; this is not the problem. The problem for me arises when everything about you is wrong according to someone that LOVES you. The word love can manipulate humans into doing things the never would have imagined.
I will break it down a little further. Love can be for a child, mate, religion, and anything else or anyone else that you feel that strongly about. There are people that have killed for love, died for love, and much other craziness all in the name of love. If you do not know or have heard any extreme love stories, I do not know where you have been. I am not against love, but I will leave you with this very important thought...If someone or something you love truly feels the same way they will never render you powerless. Understand, acknowledge, and put your power to good use. I shared this today because I am truly now understanding what a powerful person I am and will begin to make a shift towards making that power useful not only in my life, but as an asset in the lives of others.
Seriously I do not even post this late, I usually post in the morning but I am feeling some kind of way so I have to write. I do not know what is going on, but I am slowly changing as you can see from what I wrote yesterday. Yes some of the changes are very positive, I cannot help but wonder if all of them are. I really feel like Tamia's song "stranger in my house" this new girl is weird to me. I have not concluded if she is better, meaner, nicer, or what but all I can say is it maybe a more mature me. <---- hard to believe huh? Well I am the type that loves to not care about what others do, but lately I find myself at the receiving end of "why are you doing this" really? What age do I have to be for people to realize I am not a child? When will people learn that I never affirm things I am not certain about?
I pride myself in the research that I do. I use the internet, I read books, I converse (no not the shoes lol), but I try my best to be as accurate as possible...yet people always question my intentions. I think that if you doubt a person's abilities so much, stop dealing with that person. I hate being frustrated and having to justify what I say, do, or think but am finding myself in these awkward situations. I have never been the type of person to argue, though I will debate. The reason is when it pertains to something I have done, somewhere I have been, or an experience I had, I feel that if you have not traveled those roads why question me? Do you think I am so petty as to pass off fiction as non-fictions?
I go on this rant because this blog is my release. I do this because I feel I have to let out my frustrations somehow. I do not know if it is solely my poor choice in associates or what not...I really think it is more of a human defect and no matter what changes I make to my circle these issues will always arise. I trully hope that in the midst of this internal conflict and outer turmoil I can find peace once again, but for right now I feel like shutting out everyone and everything, finding a nice bubble and moving in there. Call me bubble girl lol...Well thank you for reading and this post is dedicated to anyone that has ever gone through similar situations. I think it just may be the transition from girl to officially a woman that is making me question things, but you are in for my discovery phase loves. Welcome to the evolution of Ms. Breezy
I pride myself in the research that I do. I use the internet, I read books, I converse (no not the shoes lol), but I try my best to be as accurate as possible...yet people always question my intentions. I think that if you doubt a person's abilities so much, stop dealing with that person. I hate being frustrated and having to justify what I say, do, or think but am finding myself in these awkward situations. I have never been the type of person to argue, though I will debate. The reason is when it pertains to something I have done, somewhere I have been, or an experience I had, I feel that if you have not traveled those roads why question me? Do you think I am so petty as to pass off fiction as non-fictions?
I go on this rant because this blog is my release. I do this because I feel I have to let out my frustrations somehow. I do not know if it is solely my poor choice in associates or what not...I really think it is more of a human defect and no matter what changes I make to my circle these issues will always arise. I trully hope that in the midst of this internal conflict and outer turmoil I can find peace once again, but for right now I feel like shutting out everyone and everything, finding a nice bubble and moving in there. Call me bubble girl lol...Well thank you for reading and this post is dedicated to anyone that has ever gone through similar situations. I think it just may be the transition from girl to officially a woman that is making me question things, but you are in for my discovery phase loves. Welcome to the evolution of Ms. Breezy
The time is Now
Hello faithful readers, before I start today's post I would like to apologize for Friday. Blogger was under maintainence and by time it was back up I was running a few errands and did not make it back home until late. Believe it or not, many things have happened until my last post and my thoughts have definitely shifted on certain topics. I was recently the target of racial slurs and to me this is so weird. Do not get me wrong I am will aware that racism is still out there and is still a major issue...the thing that was weird to me is that I never experienced it for myself. I will not go into detail, but I want to take the time out to let my readers know that I do not have any bias and do not tolerate any kind of separation. I am and will always love everyone the same. If any of my readers are friends of mine on facebook than you know I joke and sometimes my jokes are harsh, but my intent is never to hurt people and if I have I apologize. One thing about Ms.Breezy I have never known how to be fake with people, if I feel like saying something I say it and we will go from there.
I want to share a little insight on my person. Growing up I was never a girly girl or really cared about my outer appearance. This did go well into my adulthood. Of course when I went out I did my hair and put on some make-up and jewelry, but this was not a day-to-day thing. My mom thinks its weird, but I just feel like whatever "this is me." Well I recently and by recent I mean within the last week have started to care. I went to the salon and got my hair done, nails/toes, waxing (a total transformation) and the people were like "So where are you partying at tonight?" and the funny thing is I had no intention, nor did I go out. I actually said "I am doing this for me," wow!! I feel like if I do not take great care of me and show others that I value myself why should I expect them to show me value. Do not get me wrong I am not saying become consumed with it, but what I am saying is there is a beautiful thing in loving and showing love to yourself.
There is another thing that I recently have been motivated to do...are you ready for this? Well I started to go for 1-hour walks everyday and the thing that is amazing to me is that I used to create every excuse in the book not to and now I find every reason to do it. This afternoon I am starting the P90X excercise program and will try to continue my walks in the late afternoon (do not know how the program will have me though). I will also be adding a moment of prayer/meditation to my day. Do you see what I am doing? If you are a faithful reader than you know I have already started to eat better and now I am taking everything up a notch. I feel like the there is no time better than now. I am in love with the person I am working on becoming. I do not have intentions on being skinny (never thought I would be in my life), my intentions are to be the best me I can be. I ask you to join me in this journey, whatever parts of your life you need to work on do it, you are your biggest asset.
Much LOVE and motivation to you all.
I want to share a little insight on my person. Growing up I was never a girly girl or really cared about my outer appearance. This did go well into my adulthood. Of course when I went out I did my hair and put on some make-up and jewelry, but this was not a day-to-day thing. My mom thinks its weird, but I just feel like whatever "this is me." Well I recently and by recent I mean within the last week have started to care. I went to the salon and got my hair done, nails/toes, waxing (a total transformation) and the people were like "So where are you partying at tonight?" and the funny thing is I had no intention, nor did I go out. I actually said "I am doing this for me," wow!! I feel like if I do not take great care of me and show others that I value myself why should I expect them to show me value. Do not get me wrong I am not saying become consumed with it, but what I am saying is there is a beautiful thing in loving and showing love to yourself.
There is another thing that I recently have been motivated to do...are you ready for this? Well I started to go for 1-hour walks everyday and the thing that is amazing to me is that I used to create every excuse in the book not to and now I find every reason to do it. This afternoon I am starting the P90X excercise program and will try to continue my walks in the late afternoon (do not know how the program will have me though). I will also be adding a moment of prayer/meditation to my day. Do you see what I am doing? If you are a faithful reader than you know I have already started to eat better and now I am taking everything up a notch. I feel like the there is no time better than now. I am in love with the person I am working on becoming. I do not have intentions on being skinny (never thought I would be in my life), my intentions are to be the best me I can be. I ask you to join me in this journey, whatever parts of your life you need to work on do it, you are your biggest asset.
Much LOVE and motivation to you all.
I have to say that there are many people that message me saying "hey play my song" or "like my page" and I sit thinking to myself is this person a fan of my show? Do they visit my site daily? Have they clicked "like" on any of my pages? I say that they do not...what sense does it make me to support them when they do not support me back. People that support me know that I always support them back. I have no problem promoting their work and/or music. It is not that big of a deal to me to show appreciation to the people that show it as well.
I am not saying I have made it to a point where a person should have to kiss my ass to work with me, but I also refuse to be used by people. There are people that will post stuff on my wall or call my show just to promo their I do not do that and I actually think it is rude and bad business to do that. Did people forget the saying "scratch my back and I will scratch yours" or do people really think it is ok. I just want to tell people that a little support can take you a long way. I honestly feel that you can get very far through networking, but networking is not a one-way street meaning people will do more for you when they see you are also doing for them.
I am not saying I have made it to a point where a person should have to kiss my ass to work with me, but I also refuse to be used by people. There are people that will post stuff on my wall or call my show just to promo their I do not do that and I actually think it is rude and bad business to do that. Did people forget the saying "scratch my back and I will scratch yours" or do people really think it is ok. I just want to tell people that a little support can take you a long way. I honestly feel that you can get very far through networking, but networking is not a one-way street meaning people will do more for you when they see you are also doing for them.
On-Air w/ BreezySays
The show for tonights "Throwback Thursdays"
This is the laid back day. We are going to listen to all the old school jams and talk about what grandma them used to tell us.
We go live Monday thru Friday from 10pm-1130pm est time. Remember to tune in you can click on the page BreezySays on-air or to listen via phone dial (213)769-0902 and to go on-air with us press 1.
This is the laid back day. We are going to listen to all the old school jams and talk about what grandma them used to tell us.
We go live Monday thru Friday from 10pm-1130pm est time. Remember to tune in you can click on the page BreezySays on-air or to listen via phone dial (213)769-0902 and to go on-air with us press 1.
What is we gon do?
As I fixed my coffee I went to grab the container that keeps sugar and it let it slip from my hands. The container broke and all the sugar spilled onto my floor. Now I could sit there and curse every name in the book and stay mad for a few minutes, but we I did was remind myself that I already knew the container was messed up. So I sucked it up, take the loss, and cleaned up the mess. See the problem with a lot of people is this same one I described in this story. Did you get it? Well, if not, let me explain...I knew I had a container that was not sturdy and could be counted on, but instead of switching it to another one I just kept using it until I had to change it.
I believe that we all need to start being more proactive (once again I said we, because I am including myself). When we see a problem we need to address it and rectify it immediately. The problem is we hardly ever do this. Most of the times we wait until it is too late to make that move. We sometimes push and deal with situations until it breaks us. Why do we do this? I think that we have an issue with getting comfortable. Once we get comfortable with a problem, regardless if it is not the best deal for us we just act like it does not matter. We become accustomed to dealing with that and just go through the motions. I for one am going to try harder in making the correct choices.
I am tired of having to clean up mess. I prefer to deal with the uncomfortable head-on and then hopefully get into a better situation later. I know this is not easy (remember I said the word uncomfortable), but I honestly believe and hope that it will be worth it in the end. Let's all make better choices and lead a better life.
I believe that we all need to start being more proactive (once again I said we, because I am including myself). When we see a problem we need to address it and rectify it immediately. The problem is we hardly ever do this. Most of the times we wait until it is too late to make that move. We sometimes push and deal with situations until it breaks us. Why do we do this? I think that we have an issue with getting comfortable. Once we get comfortable with a problem, regardless if it is not the best deal for us we just act like it does not matter. We become accustomed to dealing with that and just go through the motions. I for one am going to try harder in making the correct choices.
I am tired of having to clean up mess. I prefer to deal with the uncomfortable head-on and then hopefully get into a better situation later. I know this is not easy (remember I said the word uncomfortable), but I honestly believe and hope that it will be worth it in the end. Let's all make better choices and lead a better life.
Seriously what is private anymore? Do people feel like they need to broadcast their entire life on the internet? Do they really think that people need to know the ins and outs of their lives? Let me tell you a little secret, most people like to hear you going through drama and most hate to see the next person doing good. Now this does not mean you should not share anything, because that will kill the social experience, but why do people have family feuds online or air out all the dirty laundry. Honestly that looks bad on your household and most people look at that post and think "what the fuck!"
I have read everything from announcements of STD's to I cannot believe my son did that and I will beat him when he gets home. Really!!!! Come on people, some things should be left withing the quarters of your actual home. It seems that because people reach thousands at a time, they feel some celebrity status and so want to keep up the comments or "love" online. "Girl look at all these online friends I have, look at how many people care about me," that to me is what I believe they say to their friends. I know for a fact that is not true, you are not famous and more than likely will not become famous because of your willingness to put yourself on blast.
We should aim to do better and live our lives in the real world. I tell people all the time, do not take all my updates as fact because my online presence many times are jokes. I do have serious moments and people that know me in real-life know the difference. I am far from politically correct and I do not care if I make people uncmfortable. I speak my mind and some get mad, but what can I say? I do not do it for show or fame. I really do everything I do (even though at times it gets mistaken), but I do it for a good. I just wish people were more mature about their online experience. Decrease the drama and need for attention, increase the fun and laughter. Life is too short to be someone you truly are not. Living a double-life is not easy and you should not take on a different persona because all of a sudden you feel a little power or fame behind the computer screen.
Am I getting Old
It seems that people nowadays are getting on my nerves more than ever. I do not understand the random complaints and bullshit they allow themselves to get in. I find myself being irritated by stuff that I used to do my damn self. I sit and think "man I must be getting old," and then I wonder why aren't the people I associate with doing the same thing. I mean they aren't getting any younger. I am a firm believer in living through the stages of our lives. When I was a child you could not keep me away from the pool, playing ball, going to the movies, ice skating, and so on...When I became a teenager I was ready for school dances, concerts, and the other things normal teenagers do...As a young adult I hit the club scene heavy, but obody could tell me to stop because my response was "this is the time in my live to club" and now that I am past that phase all I want to do is get established in my career.
I have always been responsible(even though I had some low moments), and contrary to outsiders looking in I always had a life goal. I will not discuss them in length, but I have a career goal, which God-willing will allow me to achieve a humanitarian goal I want to ultimately reach. Why do people not move through the phases of life? Why do some adults go through mid-life crisis and retroact to an age of adolesence. Maybe this is my mind telling me that I will be one of those annoying adults that looks at other adults like "wtf is your problem." I am glad that with this newfound sense of adulthood also comes the "I really do not care what you think." It seems that we all have to go through life doing what makes us feel better. I will not say anything to the people that annoy me, I will just slowly stop dealing with them. I can not make anyone do something they do not want to or grow-up quicker than they want to. I guess I say this to say "live your life, but at least try to go through the phases at the right time."
I have always been responsible(even though I had some low moments), and contrary to outsiders looking in I always had a life goal. I will not discuss them in length, but I have a career goal, which God-willing will allow me to achieve a humanitarian goal I want to ultimately reach. Why do people not move through the phases of life? Why do some adults go through mid-life crisis and retroact to an age of adolesence. Maybe this is my mind telling me that I will be one of those annoying adults that looks at other adults like "wtf is your problem." I am glad that with this newfound sense of adulthood also comes the "I really do not care what you think." It seems that we all have to go through life doing what makes us feel better. I will not say anything to the people that annoy me, I will just slowly stop dealing with them. I can not make anyone do something they do not want to or grow-up quicker than they want to. I guess I say this to say "live your life, but at least try to go through the phases at the right time."
Moment for life (more of a poem than a blog) please comment
If I get this moment for life than you can say that im living for the moment. And that sounds good right about now b/c the days go by so fast i cant even enjoy it. I know tomorrow isnt promised but fuck it im still workin on it. I live n i think, think n create, create n implement...doesnt that sound like the formula to win? Maybe not to you, but definitely to me, i dont see problems all i see possibility. I may sound funny and it may sound far-fetched but i have to think, act, and practice to be the best. The best isnt something you just jump into, theres a lot of people out here trying to show n prove.
Ha! Prove, what and to who? Prove that your better than the person sitting next to you. Claiming you live in the same building but got a different view. Who cares what you see outside if you are happy with the existence you have inside. No need to search for something you already have within. Now do you see what I mean, my swag is so fresh and my words are so mean. Im thr nicest he's seen, but im bad to these fiends. Serving up a dose of my medicine, call me medicine woman.
Hope you understand what my metaphors try to convey. See in life we got to make our own way, pick up our own weight, and speak the words we really want to say. You can have this moment for life because as long as your alive you are living for this moment.
Ha! Prove, what and to who? Prove that your better than the person sitting next to you. Claiming you live in the same building but got a different view. Who cares what you see outside if you are happy with the existence you have inside. No need to search for something you already have within. Now do you see what I mean, my swag is so fresh and my words are so mean. Im thr nicest he's seen, but im bad to these fiends. Serving up a dose of my medicine, call me medicine woman.
Hope you understand what my metaphors try to convey. See in life we got to make our own way, pick up our own weight, and speak the words we really want to say. You can have this moment for life because as long as your alive you are living for this moment.
Quit complaining and Take Action
It is so funny to me that people will actually make a complaint about a situation before trying to do things to fix the problem. What is the sense in that? I never been that type, I may talk over my frustrations with a friend, but before I actually address the situation, I look for possible solutions. Do people feel like it is easier to complain first and then see where that takes them? I feel like that is taking the easy way out. Nothing worth having is going to be easy. This takes me back to saying what you want in life, more than likely one million other people want the same thing. You want a house, car, family, money, great career, be famous etc...well I know at least twenty others that want the exact same thing.
The difference between a person that makes it and one that is frustrated is that little word ACTION. The time that it takes you to complain, throw a hissy fit, and cry that other person has actually gotten up, shook the dirt off, and started making moves. Why not be that person? Why not take action? Do you want a great job, but right now only McDonalds is hiring, well baby take that check until the corporate world calls you. Why sit at home, wait, and be extra broke? You still have bills, you still have wants, and they will definitely keep piling up. There is no shame in taking a job that pays less while waiting for the others to call.
I believe we should know our worth and we should strive for the best, but we also need to be humble and learn patience. What is meant for you and what is best for you may not be ready for you at this time. On another note, you may not be ready for it. We all and when I say we, I am including myself, we all need to learn that the chase may be longer for some and not others because we have lessons to be learned along the way. I feel like I have learned that to live a happy life I need to have a great plan for my future and work towards achieving it, but I have to live for today. A long life is not promised to anyone, a happy live is not promised to anyone...but while you are here you should attempt to make every day count. I know I try to everyday and as the days go by, I am a much happier person.
The difference between a person that makes it and one that is frustrated is that little word ACTION. The time that it takes you to complain, throw a hissy fit, and cry that other person has actually gotten up, shook the dirt off, and started making moves. Why not be that person? Why not take action? Do you want a great job, but right now only McDonalds is hiring, well baby take that check until the corporate world calls you. Why sit at home, wait, and be extra broke? You still have bills, you still have wants, and they will definitely keep piling up. There is no shame in taking a job that pays less while waiting for the others to call.
I believe we should know our worth and we should strive for the best, but we also need to be humble and learn patience. What is meant for you and what is best for you may not be ready for you at this time. On another note, you may not be ready for it. We all and when I say we, I am including myself, we all need to learn that the chase may be longer for some and not others because we have lessons to be learned along the way. I feel like I have learned that to live a happy life I need to have a great plan for my future and work towards achieving it, but I have to live for today. A long life is not promised to anyone, a happy live is not promised to anyone...but while you are here you should attempt to make every day count. I know I try to everyday and as the days go by, I am a much happier person.
I saw a picture of Jordan Sparks today and it truly reminded me that we can get up, decide to make a change, and if we stick with it, we can do it. I get to the point where I have doubts about what am I doing, or ask myself why even try. Today I was reminded of why? I told myself I would and I will not stop until I do. I want you all to stay motivated. The thing about it is that you should not let something you are trying to do slow down what you already can do. There are people who give themselves an outrageous goal and walk around unhappy because they are frustrated and they see other people achieving it. I am sorry sweetie, but everybody’s destination is not the same even if you are on the same route.
The thing about life and the journey we take is that we each have our own journey. I know there are probably one million other bloggers and internet radio hosts out there. I also know that the people who enjoy my show and site (and what my team brings) will keep on appreciating us. We are not censored, we do not plan what we are going to say, and we always speak our mind. There are definitely some people who will probably be offended by what we say or how it sounds, but that is what makes us so special. See, my journey brought me here. As much as I love to write and talk, I never thought I would be sharing my randomness with the world.
I am lucky that I have a great team and affiliations. They keep me motivated. Do you have someone that believes in you? That one thing is so hard to come by. It is very important though. See people that believe in you serve two purposes, 1. they will keep you going when you want to stop and 2. they will tell you when you need to let that dream go. We have a tendency to think we are better than we really are and we need to learn the difference between hating and constructive criticism. I hope that you stay motivated, but humble enough to know when to listen.
The thing about life and the journey we take is that we each have our own journey. I know there are probably one million other bloggers and internet radio hosts out there. I also know that the people who enjoy my show and site (and what my team brings) will keep on appreciating us. We are not censored, we do not plan what we are going to say, and we always speak our mind. There are definitely some people who will probably be offended by what we say or how it sounds, but that is what makes us so special. See, my journey brought me here. As much as I love to write and talk, I never thought I would be sharing my randomness with the world.
I am lucky that I have a great team and affiliations. They keep me motivated. Do you have someone that believes in you? That one thing is so hard to come by. It is very important though. See people that believe in you serve two purposes, 1. they will keep you going when you want to stop and 2. they will tell you when you need to let that dream go. We have a tendency to think we are better than we really are and we need to learn the difference between hating and constructive criticism. I hope that you stay motivated, but humble enough to know when to listen.
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