
Prepare yourself!!!

Sorry about not posting an actual blog yesterday, but I was a little under the weather. Today is another day though and I am back at it. I have to keep pushing cause if I don't do it nobody else will. That is the thing in having your own goals and dreams, you have to push through sickness, weather, haters, and whatever other negative things come your way. I know for a fact that nothing I want in life is going to come easy to me. I emarked on a journey and have others with me and we are ready for the long haul.

Have you let the small things keep you away from acheiving a major conquest? Why? I am here to say keep fighting. Being 1000000% honest with you all, I feel like saying fuck it at least once a month. Then I calculate how far I have come since the last time I said I would quit. It is so easy to give up and most people are already set up for failure that when they do walk away they do not even think twice. Learn to shake off the loser mentality and start carrying yourself as a winner and that will continue to mold your days to come. I have told myself, regardless of all the reasons I have to walk away I have decided that I will stay. I am staying on track, BreezySays is here to stay, and God got our back. There are a lot of people that hope I fail, but a lot more want me to succeed. I have a team of ladies and men that are on the path with me and we will win.

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